தனி ஒருவனுக்கு உணவில்லையெனில் ஜெகத்தினை அழித்திடுவோம்
-மகாகவி பாரதி
World Food Day-is observed by UN every 15 october to raise awareness about poverty and hunger that catches millions in this world. This year's theme is "the Right to food".To me , this day is alteast a alarm to this capitalist soaked world that still there are hundreds of million living in our same world, striving to get even a square meal.
Long before, my friend once asked me...Why should we really care about these people who cant even earn meal a day? why should these inable souls make this world so heavy?....i was so irritated but,his questions were logical...i was not in a position to answer him there....i thought was he really right?....what went wrong?....Why are we to bother when we pay all taxes and govt. spends those to them.... Then really came a light...i cursed my stupidness...i was ashame our Gen next's ignorance to this issues... for that monetary passion that made least bother about human....
Govt. lays road n who travels in it luxuriously...we enjoy all sometimes jus to show our richness...leaving those strive for a meal/day....Many to suffer were agriculture labours...Agriculture is sickened... none cares for it unless a month before elections...For the sake of luxury, as economic addicts,we spoilt the environment...armed the globe....Warmed the globe...in turn had a great blow to agriculture....which left these people with begger bowls...at the same time
..we made a uhhh!!! Its too hot ya... and got a air -conditioner furthur fuelling the disaster...
Lot to talk ...finally,In these scenario, i would call this day to be success atleast if it triggers a tear for ourdoing and conditions and vow to minimize as much as we can.....