I have lot of dreams and in variety too….. (Too long hours to sleep……….).I m lucky, I don’t have apparition of ghosts, but I had vc snatching my mobile and la la …funny. Some time I wondered I had dreams worth a fruitful thought .It is not really a thought but some ideas that registered in my sub-conscious…..I was alone in the room, planning to go home next day morning. Every other flew home. I was too bored that I began watching Matrix 1 movie for some twelfth or thirteenth time. I just don’t know those engulfing lush green have engulfed me every time I see the movie……then Neo’s supernatural fight sequence….ability load programs into our brain…I m just flabbergasted. There aroused a small spark that spoilt my sleep that day …(so vetti…)…we people admire and like to watch supernatural sequences(at least for comedy …we watch vijayakanth movies..).
what's next
Cine industry pours in technology to make screens look bigger than real. Even in our home ,TV’s display size grows from 14” to …………so is its picture resolution Giving us treat to the eyes , but makes it far from reality though it is near reality.Ya ! we have audio even crystal clear with technology of digital dolbyyyyyyyyyyy surround , 5.1 or 7.1…… is no matter for us as we are gonna see the films each in terabytes in near future who knows…..these everything seems to pass in my mind in a fraction of second…….there hang the question …..Are we limited to eye and ears only to sense entertainment….Is there 3 dimension………….ok …ok..there is 3D already that gives us perspective view…..Ya is there a possibility of 4D…How will be 4D… some means if we reproduce a odour that exists…………….I thought….Ya Is there some related research going on…..I wanna check the net (….when we think so called people in the west accomplish….what to do ?).
there is 4D...!

Meanwhile I had to tour Singapore. Accidentally they said Sentosa islands offers 4D show…….I was so interested that I thought 4D would have some smellers (as similar to speakers )…..that would dissipate fragrance as people in movie come across gardens and aroma of food and so on…….It is because Google listed me some sites that say researchers have some camera that would sense smell and store it digitally…..Finally a day came where I m afraid if my dream would come true…..We have to pay SD$16 (around Rs.470 ) each to watch 4D movie for 15 minutes…….ya I was so happy my dream hasn’t been realized……but slight change smellers are to be fifth generation rather than 4D….yes ! it was different experience where our touch sensation (tactileness) provided us 4D.We had specially designed seats(as u see in pic.) that would synchronise with the movie.If people travel in wobbling ship due to winds, we too are wobbling.A person in the movie pirates of carribean fell from a hilltop …so are we having blowing air at sides and great thud at last .Ofcourse we are safe.when water splashed on people .water from the seat splahed on us too…Ok that is another story.
my dream(my udanz.......)
I read a article in nature that states that researchers have developed a smell-camera by which we could take the snapshot of a smell.It is actually a digital camera with plexiglass inside containing odour sensitive dyes.Dyes change colour inresponse to odour similar to that of litmus paper we use for our chemistry lab ,which changes color on sensing the gas. Similar technique has to be developed to reproduce smell as well.Then our dream would be successful and sometimes horrible when we have to come across ditches in don movies.Till then we will enjoy tasty foods as we see bloody scenes in the movie…(someone shouts : ok..ok..enough of blade go..)